28 July 2009

Artis Seksi Laudya Cynthia Bella

Artis seksi Laudya Chyntia Bella was born in Bandung February 24, 1998. Bella first career is as a model before known as an actress. Artis seksi Laudya Cynthia Bella, usually called Bella is an Indonesia Female Artist. Bella, young, famous, cute, sexy, talented, and of course she is a rich girl since she is a popular artist. She makes a lot of Rupiah of being it.
Bella come up as KAWANKU’s covergirl in year 2002. Her star more shine after role in “VIRGIN” as “Biyan”. Laudya Cynthia Bella was nominated as the best female actress at Indonesia’s Movie Festival (Festival Film Indonesia / FFI). Bella is also awarded as “Aktris Terpuji Festival Film Bandung (FFB) 2004

laudya cynthia bella
laudya cynthia bella
laudya cynthia bella

laudya cynthia bellaFoto seksi Laudya Cynthia Bella
laudya cynthia bella


  1. *NUMPANG PROMO yach...
    Menjadi Pria sejati dan dambaan semua wanita.. tapi setiap bangun pagi selalu merasa letih, kurang bersemangat, gairah menurun dan masih banyak lagi keluahan..... tidak usah bingung, Anda bs ikut treatment khusus lgsg dr hp anda caranya ketik REG BUGAR kirim ke 9789(khusus Telkomsel) tidak hanya pria, wanita jg boleh dijamin anda puas, so tunggu apa lagi segera ambil Hp anda dan mari gabung!.

  2. manis bgt eachhh se bella neachh gk ngebosennin dah di pandang.....
